When moving, relocating for work, or possibly attending college on the other side of the country, you may need to ship your car or multiple vehicles. If you don't have the time, you don't want to make the long drive, or simply don't want all those miles and wear and tear on your car, shipping it may be the best option.
Car shipping companies provide you with the option of having professionals transport your car on a large truck, across the state, or the country. When deciding how you want your car transported, you also must consider the reputation of the company moving it.
You should also take into account that the farther away you are having it transported means that it will likely cost more money. In addition, trucks that transport vehicles try to save time and gas by loading up as many vehicles as they can, meaning they may be making many stops all throughout the country before they reach your destination. You must plan ahead for the amount of time it takes before your car will arrive, especially if you rely on your car for work. A typical transit time for a coast to coast car shipment is 7-10 days from pickup to dropoff.
One other factor that plays into time, and sometimes cost, would be the physical location. Chadron, Nebraska is significantly more out-of-the-way than a large city center such as Dallas, Texas. If you're able to meet in a larger city nearby, you will greatly increase your car shipping options.
Many car transportation companies provide pick-up at your home, work, or anywhere you may need. In addition, they can also drop your car off right in front of your new home or whichever location you choose, assuming it's accessible for an 18 wheeled car carrier. The point is, after all, to make moving more convenient for you, so this certainly is an advantage.
As with any business agreement, speak with the companies that service your area and make sure you fully understand their process. In addition, always ensure that the company addresses any concerns you have and answers all your questions accurately. Car transportation can make the headache of moving much easier and alleviate one major concern on a long list of priorities during the moving process.
If you are interested in transporting your vehicle, please take a look at our Quote Calculator.