Releasing your prized vehicle to a complete stranger for car transport can be daunting, whether your car is a genuine luxury item or an old, reliable family heirloom.
Many folks are hesitant to ship a car across the country because they are afraid of damage. Luckily, damage is not standard when shipping a vehicle by door-to-door carrier. Here are a few things to ease your mind about damage during car transport.
One thing many potential customers worry about is road debris flying up and hitting their car. But road debris doesn’t fly around a truck or fly sideways. If a pebble gets kicked up from the traffic in front of the carrier truck, the debris flies into the front of the rig. It’s the front of the truck that faces road debris, not the vehicles on the carrier behind it.
Because of a fear of damage due to road debris, some customers ask for a car cover. But there is no reliable way to keep a cover on a vehicle while in transit. In fact, trying to strap some kind of cover to a vehicle is likely to cause the very damage a customer is trying to avoid. That’s because the force of the wind in transit will lift off some part or corner of the cover or a strap may get loose and flap against the vehicle.
During car transports, damage is not a by-product of being on the road. Think of it this way – nobody wants their vehicle damaged so if most cars were damaged during the process, this industry wouldn’t have evolved!
But accidents do happen from time to time. In the unlikely event your vehicle is damaged in transit, it is due to an accident in traffic or a mechanical issue or human error while loading/unloading.
That is why it is best to take time on pick-up and on delivery to examine the condition of the vehicle, and make good notes. Should you need to file a damage claim because of an accident, documentation is required for a successful claim. Pictures or videos taken on pick-up and delivery are a great way to protect yourself.
Through Ship a Car Direct, not only is your vehicle is fully insured but we also offer an insurance guarantee. Please give us a call if you have any questions about insurance for car transports: 866-221-1664.